7:26 AM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »

Have you ever wondered what missionaries do in the MTC during their "down time"? I know they have very little of that, but I guess there is an occasional chance to show off your unusual talents .....Click to enlarge the photo and see the details better. Then, later, they are still playing around in their apartment. Really, I did teach him not to play with fire, though this is not actually Chris doing this.


4:10 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Okay so my friend Loretta just got her blog up and running. Congratulations Loretta! Check out her blog down below. But, I wanted to tell you about the funniest of coincidences we share with each other. Sorry, Loretta, I beat you to this story~

So I met Loretta back when we both lived in MO. Now neither of us do and we could have been two ships passing in the night if it were not for my mom, who told me she knew of a girl in her ward that she thought I would really enjoy getting to know. So, one day after the birth of my second child and her third, we were introduced and the rest is history! So, Loretta, I guess this means we have known each other about 18 years! Wow!

Anyway, upon getting to know each other, we realized we had some amazing things in common:

Her first child was a boy, born before Tim and I had started our family. But, our first child was born a few months after her second and both were boys. They were in the same grade of school together. Our next children, her third and my second were born within two weeks of each other. This is when we met so her second and third were instant friends with my first and second! Then, amazingly, we started discovering this crazy phenomenon, like that we are both left handed. Both of our husbands are named Tim and both are computer geeks of sorts, (and I mean that in a very good way!), and by the time we discovered we were pregnant again, we found that her fourth and my third had the very same due date!!!!!! ( I beat her to delivery by three days as I was two days early and she was one day late!) Now it was getting quite freaky. Her husband Tim and I share the same birthday and my husband Tim and she share the same birthday. Our only sisters each share the same birthday as well!!!

Loretta, the brave woman that she is, went on to have two more children and got two girls out of the deal! Great job. It has often made me wonder what would have happened should be have gone on to have more ourselves, hmmm..............

We have had many a laugh about that and as our years have progressed have shared very parallel lives.................It has kept us laughing and crying together often. I only wish we lived closer so we could take a picture of the two of us together. Hey, Loretta, do you have one and could email me?? :)


5:06 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
So, I got an email from my great friend Loretta after she read my new blog. She said that her husband, a real computer genius, asked her if she would like to set one up as well. She said she was afraid she would not have anything interesting to write about. I am hearing her loud and clear as I, too, really wonder at anyone wanting to read my ramblings. However, I enjoy reading other's so, maybe it won't be so bad. C'mon Loretta, give it a shot. I resisted and resisted then decided, what the heck so now you get a rundown of my family for now, just to bring you up to speed.

Tim is currently working for a big bank, which name I will not mention just in case I say something negative about it later! hee hee Of course with all the banking and investment situations happening in our country of late, working there seems a bit precarious. We will see. This particular bank, however, was very conservative in its subprime investments and have seemed to have recovered nicely as a result. So, for now, he plugs away doing his auditing thing and wishing, as do I, in our middle age, that we could change careers midstream.

I currently work two part time jobs doing bookkeeping and payroll for two completely unrelated small businesses. I am certainly hoping NOT to make a career of it but have been doing it a while so I am wondering..... In actuality, I want to go back to school. I think something in the medical field would be a good choice, but oh how I wonder if I can handle the gross stuff!!!!

Chris, our 20 year old son, has just over 10 months left on his mission. (Check out the countdown to the right!) He is serving in the Nashville, TN area and doing really, really well! We hear good things and have actually heard twice from his mission president telling us how grateful he is to be able to count on Chris to put forth 100% effort in everything he is asked to do! I am grateful to hear that. It gives us more peace of mind. Christmas is just three months away and we get our third phone call! WooHoo!

Cameron is attending community college and doing well. I think he needs a job and tell him it every day, so I am a big nag. But at least he is in school. He stays busy playing dodgeball, skateboarding on a friends half pipe, playing softball, and watching UFC fights. I hope he is doing some preparations for a mission as his 19th birthday is only 9 months away! I try not to nag, I just have learned a thing or two since getting Chris ready.

Brandon currently plays football for a league team. He loves football but the poor kid is too small for high school football. However, he is an excellent wrestler and so the wrestling season will be upon us in less than a month or so and then he will really shine. He started high school this year and seems to be "into" it and happy enough. The work is not too hard for him.

Bailey is doing well with her treatments for her renal failure. I mean, I am NOT going to pay out to put my dog on dialysis. Sorry about that to all you that would do so. I love my dog but going into debt to treat a chronic disease for a dog I won't do. So, we are grateful that her overpriced prescription dog food and the pills she was given are doing the job for now. She is also being treated for her thyroid and amazingly she is not the lazy lump of a dog we have always known her to be. She actually has a bit more energy!

So, there you have an update of things in a nutshell! I really need to take more pictures. I am hoping this blog will get me back in the mode of doing so. In the meantime, Loretta, give it a shot so I have another blog to follow............


6:55 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Okay, so I am finding myself posting on a blog, though I highly resisted doing this. It is hard for me to come up with what to write that would interest anyone. But, for you, Rhea, I have decided to give it a try. This may be my one and only post. We will see how inhibited I feel about it all!!! ha ha ha

I am only just learning about the fancy things that can be put on here so don't laugh to hard at how amatuerish it all looks. Those of us that are out of our 20's and 30's are waaaaay behind on these sorts of things. Sigh..................