
10:40 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »
A winter past time in our family is building jigsaw puzzles.

We usually get at least one new one for Christmas.

This one was 1500 pieces; a piece of cake, right?

Until we had to do the lower part of sunflowers and leaves.

A royal nightmare! But Cameron finished that part up and put in the final piece today!
Dare we do another, or save it for next winter?


Loretta Valenta said...

LOL! We go through puzzle phases and when it's a tough one I always want to use the puzzle glue and keep it all together! The thought if undoing it all is heart wrenching! We glued a cool one for Jacob (parts of it glow in the dark) and we framed it -- it looks great! So are you going to glue it? I WOULD! :)

Ashley said...

Hey Patty...this is Ashley, Rhea's daughter. this is really random but I love the pic of the tree right under where it says "The Hubby" where did you find the picture of it? Kinda funny, I want to have my friend copy it and make it with vinyl so I can put it on my wall. :)