Real Men don't wear Mantyhose!

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I am serious! Be a man! Why do men want to look like women? Why do women want to look like men? I am just not getting it when I see men with eyeliner, and make-up, and hair products, and now...................Mantyhose! Change the name so it feels more masculine perhaps??? Cameron and I had a good, looooooong laugh about this and now, whenever any man in my house decides something is hard, I am going to ask them if they need some mantyhose! Man-up!
I especially like this pair, don't you?

And did you hear about the 140 year old lobster that nearly got cooked for dinner? The restaurant that was going to serve him decided to free him into the wild to live out the remainder of his days. I want to know how they know how old he is AND is the cost of lobster going to go up again because someone has to be paid to figure out the age of each lobster they catch???????? What is this world coming to?


Loretta Valenta said...

Okay...the Mantyhose thing is just CREEPY!!!!! EWWWW! And it must be the PETA people behind freeing the lobster! (PETA stands for People for the Eating of Tasty Animals)! BWHAHAHAHAHA!

Patty said...

You got it, the mantyhose ARE creepy and the lobster was freed via the PETA people. Apparently they know the age based on the weight and it was against the law for them to even have a 20 lb lobster because that meant he was 140 years old! ha ha ha Who wants old lobster anyway?