Mama's Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys

7:29 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Why did this tune strike me in the middle of church today? I assure you we don't sing that kind of music in church. I guess one of the speakers spoke of being in the rodeo. His wife also spoke of being in the rodeo. That is where they met. They are young things, just starting out. She said she could not imagine marrying into a family that did not like horses as she grew up on a ranch. So did he. They live nearby but that is because the city grew around their horse ranch and rodeo set-up, not the other way around.
What the subject of their talks was about was how we can become more Christlike in our lives. They spoke of our commitments to each other and to the Lord by our very actions, by seeking out the will of God, and bend our will to His and not try to force His to ours.
And when they were finished speaking, I realized that those "cowboys" knew a thing or two for their youth and had some pretty inspirational things to say, and it was a joy to see them starting their lives out together in the same saddle, each having the same goals that they can work to accomplish together. And that they were taking the steps they needed to stay strong in the Gospel, and with each other.
And I thought about how my own children were growing up so fast and in a matter of a few years, might be just like that newlywed couple and I thought that if they had things together as well as this couple seems to, then I would gladly be fine with them growing up to be cowboys!


Loretta Valenta said...

It is interesting to me that you had talks about bending our will to Heavenly Father's because last Thursday when Tim and I both had blessings that is what I said to one of the ward memebers that came to give the blessing -- that we want to do what is Heavenly Father's will but that we had to learn how to bend our will to be HIS will. THAT is the challenge of life. I think that would have been a great Sacrament Meeting to be in!