Monday Blues......

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I love Sundays. They are a day of worship and a day to forget the cares of the rest of the week. That is how we handle them in our house, relaxing after church and not worrying about the dishes so much, lazy meals, reminders to email Chris, board games, puzzles and general family silliness. I really like Sundays, except for the fact that the next day means Monday.

For some reason, Mondays have a bad rap. But they earn it in our house. Besides back to school and back to work, there are dishes and laundry that somehow managed to pile up on Sunday and now we have to face it all. Usually I am headed to work on Monday morning so there is often a scramble to throw some things in the dishwasher and get it running before heading off to work. When I return home, there are usually more things to organize and clear up. It is kind of a Sunday hangover thing. While we enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere of Sunday, the piper must be paid.

Today I am home on Monday. It is holiday. While our work place is open, it is also payroll Monday. But, since it is a holiday for some businesses, payroll cannot be done. Banks are closed. And so, payroll has to be done tomorrow instead. So, I am home today but will go in tomorrow, my usual day off, and do the payroll then. That means facing the Monday monster head on and digging in and getting some things done right away. But I am thinking of extending my Sunday a little longer and going and working on our family jigsaw puzzle...........................


Loretta Valenta said...

Okay..I am thinking that my blog is not updating with your posts. Something is going on because I did not see this post until I went in to my dashboard. Is it possible that updating is not showing up on my blog lists? It's weird! I know I am not that nutso to keep missing your posts!

Remember that Monday's are Marvelous in our house...according to Tim, anyway! I did a post on the names we give the days of the week (mostly to try to make the girls feel better about getting up and at the day!) :)

LOL... my word verification is foolome! HAHAHAHA! FOOL-O-ME! Yes, I guess I am!