Perhaps They Were Right

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So, the Arizona Cardinals have done it! They have managed to get themselves into the Superbowl. I will admit to lacking a whole lot of football interest, and most especially in regards to the AZ Cardinals, but I have my reasons.
I am not sure the reason for while the original Cardinals, based out of Chicago, moved to St. Louis. It is usually about money, track record, and a stadium. But I do know that while football in general is a great pastime in St. Louis, baseball Cardinals were really the more popular team to root for. The football Cardinals shared Busch stadium with the baseball Cardinals and perhaps they felt they did not get enough of the limelight?!?!? I really don't know the answer to that but for years in St Louis, they asked for their own stadium. Over and over again, season after season. Sharing, apparently, is hard for football players. They never got their stadium in St. Louis. But maybe a better track record might have rallied more enthusiasm.
At any rate, the football Cardinals "left the building" so to speak and headed south for the winter, or perhaps, many winters, and became the Arizona Cardinals. I am not sure if they were missed by more than a handful, though my friend Pam, having been baptized by one of the players at the time, may have missed one in particular! Nevertheless, fast forward a few years and our family moves to Arizona and reunites with the Cardinal football team, still begging for a stadium of their own. And as things would be, they were no longer sharing with a professional baseball team for their stadium but had reduced to sharing their field with a college team! How low can you go?
Meanwhile, back in St. Louis, a new football team was gained. Football fans could hardly bear being without. And so the LA Rams became the St. Louis Rams and guess what? The taxpayers of the city agreed to help fund a new stadium for our new team! Ha! And soon after, they won the Superbowl!!! Maybe the Stadium WAS the problem!
And thus we see here, a 60+ year track record of no playoffs and Superbowls and finally Phoenix builds the Cards a stadium, and we are going to the Superbowl!!! I do think there is something to that Stadium theory and if you build it, they will win!!!!!


Dahly Mama said...

Maybe it's all a conspiracy, by the big powers that be, of football!! At any rate, even though I never watched a single season game, it has been kinda fun watching, the ending of the last two games!! I'm even a little excited about the Super Bowl. Something I have NEVER been!! Go Cards!!!

Dahly Mama said...

Maybe it is a conspiracy amongst the big wigs of football!!! YOu know, the old "conspiracy theory"!!
At any rate, it has been fun watching the ENDINGS of the last two football games I must say. This from someone who has never watched a cardinals game in her life!! And I have to say I'm kinda excited to watch the Super Bowl!! The ending anyway! Oh heck, I just may go a little crazy and watch the whole thing!!

Dahly Mama said...

Sorry if I double posted! I thought it erased the first one! I didn't read the top line saying it needed owner approval!! OOPS!

E said...

Chris really comes home in SIX months???