8:36 PM Posted In Family Edit This 6 Comments »Bailey is a crazy dog. She ate Cameron's pack of gum earlier this week. An entire pack of about 18 pieces, with Xylitol, which is supposed to be poisonous, but apparently did nothing to her. We were waiting for bubbles to come out the other end, if you know what I mean, but nothing. Darn, we were hoping to be entertained for our troubles. She has been guilty in the past of eating an entire stick of butter and a whole package of chocolate chips that were sitting out waiting to be made into cookies when the stick of butter softened. But, the only cookies we had that day were the ones she "blew" when she threw up chocolate goo all over the place. Chocolate is supposed to be toxic too, but not for this dog! No wonder she has kidney problems. She ingests all the wrong things!! She is particular about her bread. I often have both a loaf of wheat and a loaf of white bread in the house. Before purchasing a bread box, she would occasionally, when no one was home, get the bread. If she got hold of the whole wheat, the loaf would remain intact on the floor. If she got hold of the white bread, that would be gone with nothing but the wrapper left to show us she even had gotten it. One time I was canning, (see previous posts) and while the jars were left on the counter to cool, she managed to pull one off the counter where it fell crashing to the tile floor. She ate all the meat inside as well as the glass!!! I know she must have because I did not find enough glass to make an entire jar. We were waiting for an interesting outcome there, but no, she was fine. Then there was the day she attempted to eat a lizard. She was outside in the backyard when I heard a bark. She rarely barks and this was one of distress or frustration, like she does if she sees a piece of popcorn under the couch and can't quite reach it. So, I opened the back door and saw that she was staring at something cornered on our patio. Upon moving some patio furniture, I flushed out a lizard about 6 inches long and rather fat. It started running and Bailey placed a paw on it to stop it then scooped it up in her mouth and ran out into the grass. The tail of the lizard was hanging out of her mouth, flapping around. Well, lizards are a good thing around here as they eat other bugs so I wanted her to put it back. Besides, our luck, she would be barfing lizard all over our bedroom carpet in the middle of the night. So, I told her to drop it, and she did, and the lizard got away by hiding under a big rock. Bailey has never forgotten that lizard and she digs around that rock constantly now! These crazy eating habits are a result of being on a diet for the past 5 years of her life. Poor dog, low thyroid and zero metabolism. (Welcome to my world, Bailey!) After my most recent canning, I placed the completed cans in a lower cabinet. I had room there but the pantry was full. She must have been able to smell it because she walks over that cabinet now, every day, and paws at it hoping to get at those jars!
She is a crazy dog. So we made her try on some Halloween costumes. After all, our kids are too big to do the whole trick or treating thing anymore so I tried dressing her up. She did not appreciate it a bit. But, she is crazy so she tolerates craziness as well! Oh, and this is where we find her when we come home and no one had been home all day!
7:53 PM Posted In Politics Edit This 2 Comments »Tonight Cameron, Brandon and I went door to door for 50 homes in our neighborhood hanging door tags. (Tim would have joined us but is enjoying San Francisco as we speak.) We had a job to do and we were brave enough to do it. We were not alone. We were only assigned 1/3 of the neighborhood. Yes, we were hanging tags promoting a YES vote on proposition 102, which in the good state of Arizona amends our state constitution, defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman while maintaining the current statutory law of the State of Arizona which prohibits marriage between persons of the same sex.
This is an important vote for AZ because, when it amends the constitution, it leaves the ability for a judge to overturn it less possible unlike the case that happened in California that caused three judges to overturn the people's vote and thus the need to put the definition of marriage on the ballot all over again.
(Not actual car!)This is serious stuff and so we decided to do our tiny part, besides VOTE YES, and hang these door tags. It was all relatively easy to do until one woman chose to call the police on us saying we were violating the "no solicitation" rules of the neighborhood. Okay, so I hate the door hanging junk on my door as much as the next guy but no one, not a single person has had that enforced nor does the town of Gilbert attempt to enforce it. I just have to pick the junk up off my front door or walk and throw it away. Still solicitation is more for selling things, right? So when the police officer stopped the three of us, he asked us what we were doing and if we lived in the neighborhood. I showed him our door tags and told him we lived two streets over and that I was aware that there were no solicitation signs but that they were not enforced. I also told him we were not selling anything so I did not think we were violating anything. I think he agreed and actually said that he did not know why he was called as there was little he could do. I really secretly think that once he saw what we were hanging out, he must have been in favor and therefore chose to send us on our merry way. What a sweet man officer Sweet (yes, that was his name!) was! And what a ridiculous waste of our tax dollars sending him on a wild goose chase on account of a cranky old lady with a beef but no law on her side.
For her trouble, I think Cameron gave her three hang tags!!!!
4:21 PM Posted In Local Edit This 3 Comments »
For those of you who know me well, you will know that I never let myself be in a photograph if at all possible. It just puts me in a bad mood. But, I swallowed my pride and took a couple of pictures and had Cameron take a couple, so that I could show you my new haircut. Have you ever noticed how people who wears glasses don't look right without them? Actually, you probably can't tell it is all that different but it is, really! And here is the back! And I am back to having bangs! I like them. I feel more youthful! What do you think? Oh, and I threw in a picture of Cameron, trying to grow that same moustache he grew for graduation. Thought you might like to see that too!
6:12 PM Posted In Family Edit This 2 Comments »This week our Relief Society lesson was on having righteous family traditions. Upon thinking about this subject, many of us thought we did not have specific traditions. But, upon further observance of it, many of us discovered that the very way we live can be a righteous tradition that is valuable to our family's growth and development and the love we have for each other.
The lesson began with some music from "Fiddler On The Roof" where Tevye does his monologue about traditions. He is not aware of where the traditions come from but he knows why they are important for they tell him who he is and what God wants him to do.
I thought that was very profound. For really, we all need to know who we are and what God has in store for us.
And so I want to share some wonderful traditions that some shared in this class today and maybe, you can share some wonderful traditions your family has that lets them know who they are and what God wants them to become:
Aside from the standard ones we know, like praying together and reading our scriptures together, one person said that every year her father writes each child a letter. In the letter he expresses his love and admiration for each of his children but also bears testimony to his beliefs, the ones they were raised with, their traditions.
Another example was from a woman who said that her husband has begun "interviewing" their children, who are very young at this point, asking how they are and what their dreams and goals are, based on their ages. The really sweet thing is that he is video taping them. What a wonderful opportunity to stay in touch with where your children are in life as well as a delightful memory in years to come!
One woman's mom kept a running list of family and individual accomplishments and blessings that the family had received throughout the year. On Thanksgiving day, after dinner, she would read the list. It was a great reminder of all the blessings received that year.
When we don't compromise our principles, when we stand up for what we believe in, even if it is not the popular thing to do, or the politically correct thing to do, or the most comfortable thing to do, we are giving our families a wonderful tradition of being principled during times of world and moral decay. We may have to "suffer shame for his name" (Acts 5:41) but in the end, we will have established those righteous traditions that will bring us all home, together!
9:46 AM Posted In Food Edit This 1 Comment » I decided to give canning meat on my range another go. Here is the reason why it has been a BIG deal. The control panel for the oven is on the front of the range rather than against the back wall. As a result, there is a sensor in it that detects heat and when the front burners are used, this thermal sensor triggers a disconnection and the control panel no longer works. The manufacturer is aware of this overly sensitive sensor and has developed a new one that is not so sensitive. The first time it was triggered by some power surge that flipped our power off for a fraction of a second, not even enough to reset all our alarm clocks. The first time the repair people were out, they simply reconnected the thermal sensor but when it happened again, they replaced it with the newer and better one. This required an additional visit from the serviceman as the part had to be ordered, then installed. So, by this point we had had a repairman in our home three times over this range. We plugged away again but, because I have to use the front burner for my canning as it is the bigger burner, I tripped this sensor again. We called, said it was the same thing and please just order the part first! Well, according to the warranty, they have to come out and diagnose the problem. By this time, I felt I could do the diagnosing myself. Still, they came out and this time ordered the parts and had them mailed to our house. Now i was wondering when the parts arrived in the mail if they were expecting me to install them. Hmmmmm That had me worried as the entire range has to be taken apart from the back in order to access the front panel!!! Nice job engineer guy! Anyway, they did come back, installed the new sensor as well as some fan that they said should have been running but was not. I never noticed a fan before so I am guessing it has never worked since we bought this range two years ago. Thank goodness we decided to buy the extended warranty or all of these trips would have been about $125. At this point they have now been out 5 times! So, now the fan is working and that is super except that now this fan never shuts off, just runs constantly! We called the manufacturer and asked if this should be happening. They said no and so we had to once again get the warranty people to send a service person out. They are coming next Friday. I decided to save them an extra trip by heating up the front burner that seems to trip this sensor to see if using this burner would once again cause troubles. I figured if they were coming out anyway, they could order the part then! ha ha Sad, I know. So, as I set to work doing my canning, I had meat cooking on one burner and water boiling on another to add to the canner. I had another pot boiling to add to the meat once it was in the jar and the third small pot was set to boil for the seals to go in.If you do the math, you can see I needed all four burners, which I have never needed since the last repair job so it was then that I discovered that the knob on one of the rear burners, one I rarely use, does not even move! I am guessing this nifty fan they installed in the control panel is blocking the knob's ability to turn. It used to work! Holy Cow! Now they have another thing to fix when they are out here on Friday! Ahhhhhh!
So, now I have completed another 20 jars of extra lean ground beef and the thermal sensor has not been tripped. I guess that constantly running fan is doing the trick together with the inability to use the burner behind it. Big Sigh!
6:17 AM Posted In mission Edit This 1 Comment »TO ALL THOSE WITH TRIALS....................
6:52 AM Posted In Thoughts Edit This 3 Comments »In the quiet few moments of the morning, when some are off to work, others off to school and some still in bed, I have a minute or two to sit down and think. And what comes to mind is the trials that my friends and family, and myself seem to be getting an abundance of. And as our lesson in church yesterday reminded us to be grateful for our trials and to learn from them and to be of good cheer regarding them, I just wanted to let you all know that I am thinking about you as you deal with your teenagers, and your adult children, and your chemotherapy and your poor health and your jobs you would rather not be doing or the fact that you feel crazed over this election year. Whatever it may be, and we all have them, I know that we all endure them as well as we can because we have to and because we have experiences in our lives that teach us that there is a great reward at the end if we endure them well. So, to all you with trials you are dealing with in your lives, your are not alone or forgotten and I wish you well and am thinking about you! And Happy Birthday if you are a year older today!!!! You know who you are!
4:38 PM Posted In mission Edit This 1 Comment »We are not really surprised that Chris would be exposed to rural living when he headed to Tennessee back in August of 2007, but he has sure seen and experienced his fair share. Here are a few samples of all he has gotten to see and do:
He has milked goats, ringed pigs, and tipped the fainting goats found only in Tennessee. He has a hilarious video of them making the goats faint, if only I could figure out how to load it on here.
4:44 PM Posted In Family Edit This 2 Comments »For those of you that live in a household of boys, I know you will understand what I am talking about. Like, for example, today, I look over at my boys, playing video games, which I have allowed to be moved to the "main" TV for the duration of fall break. Because of this allowance, I now have no place in that room whatsoever. My book, which I was reading as I have no access to the television to mindlessly watch instead, was being used as a coaster. No doubt I will later find myself moving the empty glass, with dried on milk, into the dishwasher myself because it will have long been forgotten by the offender.
And so it goes when it is a break from school. My orderly house becomes teenage zone with the waving of the pantry doors opening and shutting a hundred times a night, after I am in bed, and get up wondering what the infernal slamming noise is that I keep hearing over and over again. They skip breakfast, eat a very late lunch, then they are never hungry for dinner and suddenly, starting about 10 PM, the pantry and refrigerator go on overtime.
Some day, I suppose, all this will end. No more breaks, real life will kick in. I will never have empty glasses and cups and bowls and plates scattered about the house, and I will miss it. That is what everyone keeps telling me. I have been skeptical about this phenomenon until recently.
Suddenly I find that the years of having my children at home over a break are few and I am beginning to realize that I WILL miss it. I hope the years in the future still allow the feeling of freedom to leave their cups on my books and fan the refrigerator like they are air conditioning the whole house with it and that, when the time comes, their children will come stay with Grandma and Grandpa and keep them up all night doing the very same thing!