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Bailey is a crazy dog. She ate Cameron's pack of gum earlier this week. An entire pack of about 18 pieces, with Xylitol, which is supposed to be poisonous, but apparently did nothing to her. We were waiting for bubbles to come out the other end, if you know what I mean, but nothing. Darn, we were hoping to be entertained for our troubles. She has been guilty in the past of eating an entire stick of butter and a whole package of chocolate chips that were sitting out waiting to be made into cookies when the stick of butter softened. But, the only cookies we had that day were the ones she "blew" when she threw up chocolate goo all over the place. Chocolate is supposed to be toxic too, but not for this dog! No wonder she has kidney problems. She ingests all the wrong things!! She is particular about her bread. I often have both a loaf of wheat and a loaf of white bread in the house. Before purchasing a bread box, she would occasionally, when no one was home, get the bread. If she got hold of the whole wheat, the loaf would remain intact on the floor. If she got hold of the white bread, that would be gone with nothing but the wrapper left to show us she even had gotten it. One time I was canning, (see previous posts) and while the jars were left on the counter to cool, she managed to pull one off the counter where it fell crashing to the tile floor. She ate all the meat inside as well as the glass!!! I know she must have because I did not find enough glass to make an entire jar. We were waiting for an interesting outcome there, but no, she was fine. Then there was the day she attempted to eat a lizard. She was outside in the backyard when I heard a bark. She rarely barks and this was one of distress or frustration, like she does if she sees a piece of popcorn under the couch and can't quite reach it. So, I opened the back door and saw that she was staring at something cornered on our patio. Upon moving some patio furniture, I flushed out a lizard about 6 inches long and rather fat. It started running and Bailey placed a paw on it to stop it then scooped it up in her mouth and ran out into the grass. The tail of the lizard was hanging out of her mouth, flapping around. Well, lizards are a good thing around here as they eat other bugs so I wanted her to put it back. Besides, our luck, she would be barfing lizard all over our bedroom carpet in the middle of the night. So, I told her to drop it, and she did, and the lizard got away by hiding under a big rock. Bailey has never forgotten that lizard and she digs around that rock constantly now! These crazy eating habits are a result of being on a diet for the past 5 years of her life. Poor dog, low thyroid and zero metabolism. (Welcome to my world, Bailey!) After my most recent canning, I placed the completed cans in a lower cabinet. I had room there but the pantry was full. She must have been able to smell it because she walks over that cabinet now, every day, and paws at it hoping to get at those jars!

She is a crazy dog. So we made her try on some Halloween costumes. After all, our kids are too big to do the whole trick or treating thing anymore so I tried dressing her up. She did not appreciate it a bit. But, she is crazy so she tolerates craziness as well! Oh, and this is where we find her when we come home and no one had been home all day!


E said...

how funny!! is that another puppy in the last picture??

little ol' me said...

That is one strange dog!! You can't help but love her.

little ol' me said...

one crazy pup!! Got to love that Bailey

Patty said...

Hey Emily,
Guess who that dog is???? It is Murphy when he was a puppy!!! So cute!

Loretta said...

BWAHAHAHA! My girls loved seeing your dog and said, "See Mom, dogs are cute! If we had one we could dress it up!"
Thanks Patty! :) Bailey is pretty cute -- loved the M&M costume! HA!

Loretta said...

Personally I like the pirate one!!! That is too funny!