Christmas Day

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Christmas day brought a few raindrops and a sleep in. I remember the days when I barely had the gifts wrapped the night before, dropped into bed, then before I knew it, three little boys were tromping into our room to see if they could go out and see if Santa had paid them a visit. They would climb into our bed and we would read the Christmas story from the scriptures and we would try to begin our day remembering the reason for our celebration. The excitement could barely contain them.
These days, they stay up much, much later than "Santa" and thus often have to be woken to begin the day. I awoke early, in spite of my late night, but allowed myself the luxury of just laying there. Eventually I got up and showered, even getting my hair dried and my makeup on before there were any creatures stirring. (Except Tim who had gotten up soon after I did). Brandon was next, crawling out of bed around 9 AM. He asked if we could wake Cameron. I asked him if he wanted a shower first. Brandon takes lots of showers. ( I am not complaining!) He opted to get his shower done and we finally got Cameron to come out of his room about 9:45.
With a chill in the air and overcast skies, we turned on our Christmas lights and gathered and read the Christmas story.
All of us commented on how different Christmas "feels" these days. I am quite sure some magic is gone when you mature and grow up. You start to realize that the holiday season is less about Santa and gifts and more about love and peace and family and friends. These are the things that bring true joy. As gifts are forgotten over the year, these memories live on.

Thus, it was with happiness, that after a very relaxing day, we were invited to the Gratil's house to share Christmas dinner with them and Susan's parents. It is great to have good friends around when we don't have family to celebrate with. We enjoyed entirely too much food again and learned a new silly card game to play with a large group of people.

All too soon we found ourselves watching the clock, waiting to for 6:45 to come so that we could receive our phone call from Chris from Kentucky. Since we knew he would call while we were at the Gratil's house, we planned for his call to come on Tim's cell phone and await we did. He said he would be calling at 8:45 his time. I have been waaaaay off with time zones these days and thought there was two hours difference and there was only one. So, we waited, and waited, for an entire hour and at 7:45 on the dot, Chris made his call home. The part of Kentucky he was in was only an hour's difference! We had all been sitting waiting and he was right on time! We passed the phone around and had lots of laughs as we listened to Chris' stories and his southern twang. He sounds just like his uncle Dave from Houston!

Thanks for the great family, friends, and food that made this holiday a special event in our lives!


Loretta said...

What a nice day you had! Oh I wish I had thought to tell you that the part of KY where Chris is is in a different time zone that us! How nice to have had Christmas dinner with friends the wrap up the evening with a call from Chris!!!

who? said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all--fun to see pics of Gratils and esp. enjoyed the Christmas Day photo of the "Three Wise Guys."

:) Shannon

little ol' me said...

It was a great christmas! Thank you for sharing your christmas (and Chris) with our family!!!

little ol' me said...

It was a great christmas! Thank you for sharing your christmas (and Chris) with our family!!!

Loretta Valenta said...

BWHAHAHAAH! I don't know HOW I missed Tim's Bart Simpson slippers in this post! That is too funny! Did Santa bring them? :)