Threat of a freeze
9:45 AM Posted In Weather Edit This 1 Comment »
So, it got cold last night, really cold. Only I did not notice it, all snuggled in my warm bed. It was not until I crawled out of that warm bed that I realized how cold the house was. I guess I will have to break down and turn on the furnace! How ridiculous is that? When I first moved to AZ, we laughed at how everyone thought it was cold, anything under 70 degrees. But, I must say, 10 1/2 years later, it IS cold under 70 degrees and so I will turn on the furnace. There is a threat of a freeze tonight. So we will go out tonight with our spare sheets and blankets and cover our tender vegetation, that cannot handle freezes. We have lost two trees to freezes in the past. This "global warming" sure has made Arizona colder these past few years. I am worried about my citrus, that took years to develop fruit. Now with its bounty, I want it to last. I do think citrus are a little hardy. Still, I will cover them up. Tim talks of removing the Christmas lights from the house and covering them over the trees and keeping them warm that way. Some years that has really worked, as long as the neighbors don't mind seeing the color of Christmas lights shining from our trees long into January.
Speaking of citrus, we ate our first lemon on Christmas Eve. we sliced it and shared it with our guests to put in their water if they wanted. I was not sure if it was ready for picking but it was delicious. Our trees are so heavy with fruit, some are bending and touching the ground.
Imagine my surprise, upon moving to AZ, to find citrus was a winter fruit. I never knew that. I have wondered at why lemons are ready to go in January yet we love to drink lemonade in the summertime!!! I guess that is why I thought citrus was a summer fruit!
Hmmm, maybe I will go pick a grapefruit. Sounds kind of good right now, refreshing!
Speaking of citrus, we ate our first lemon on Christmas Eve. we sliced it and shared it with our guests to put in their water if they wanted. I was not sure if it was ready for picking but it was delicious. Our trees are so heavy with fruit, some are bending and touching the ground.
Imagine my surprise, upon moving to AZ, to find citrus was a winter fruit. I never knew that. I have wondered at why lemons are ready to go in January yet we love to drink lemonade in the summertime!!! I guess that is why I thought citrus was a summer fruit!
Hmmm, maybe I will go pick a grapefruit. Sounds kind of good right now, refreshing!
Wow -- a possible freeze tonight? Now that is some December weather for AZ! We are enjoying 69 degree weather today -- can you believe that? It's really messed up lately. Enjoy your lemons & grapefruit! Even though I don't like grapefruit it does sound good! Lemonade anyone? :)
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