On the Radio

2:38 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
I heard a funny thing the other day on the radio. It just tickled my funny bone. I really don't know why. You know how things can be hilarious one time and the next time you wonder why? Well, the newsperson on the station I was listening to was talking about local rush hour traffic and he said that the 60 at Gilbert road was as backed up as a cheap toilet! ha ha ha That metaphor, and ultimate image in my head, just made me laugh.


Loretta said...

BWHAHAHAHA! Now that's an image for you!!! :)

who? said...

Apparantly you don't have a cheap toilet--it's no laughing matter! I find that comment condescending and inappropriate. If you can't say something nice about other people's toilets w/out resorting to "potty humor" don't say anything at all!

jk :)