Sleep Deprivation

3:09 PM Posted In Edit This 2 Comments »
Sleep deprivation has been the norm in this household since about 1987. So you can imagine that we are rather used to it. But, for two days in a row, I have been able to sleep-in! I think I can count on one hand how many times in 2008 I have slept in. But since Tim worked from home yesterday, and I had an unexpected day off yesterday, he kindly agreed to awaken Brandon and get him moving out the door for school and I slept in. But, of course, though I did not set my alarm, I woke up at the EXACT time I would have had the alarm gone off. The wonderful thing was, however, that I was able to roll over and fall back to sleep, after a quick trip to the bathroom. Here is the odd thing about sleeping in. You never really go back into a deep sleep. You just sort of hang there in a twilight zone of sorts but you still dream! For the past two mornings, I have had the strangest of dreams upon waking up after "sleeping in". They were so strange that I am thinking that getting up at my usual time might be a better option.
Cameron, of course, is NOT sleep deprived. He sleeps anywhere. Often it is the couch we find him asleep on when we get up in the morning. He has the most comfortable bed in the house. Clearly he plans to sleep on the couch because he will go down to his room to get his comforter and pillow. Then he gets comfortable and settles in to watch a little TV until he falls asleep. He sleeps on the couch through the banging around that goes on in the kitchen as people prepare breakfast. He sleeps through the dog walking by and licking his face. He sleeps through all the normal daily household sounds that happen while he is sleeping and the rest of the world is awake. No, Cameron is not sleep deprived. He sleeps whenever he wants to. Enjoy it now, Cameron, for that time in your life is soon to come to an end!!!


Loretta said...

Yeah -- there is no "real" sleeping in once you are in the habit of getting up at a certain time....except for those teenagers who sleep anywhere, anytime and wherever they land! :)

Curtis Family said...

I'm jealous Patti that you got to sleep in for TWO days. I feel like I haven't slept since 1991, the year Chase was born. And now I feel like if the kids are all asleep that's when I watch TV shows that I like or sometimes clean. If I ever go to bed before midnight I feel like an old person that has turned in too early.
Why is sleeping such a guilty pleasure?