A Little Package Arrived
6:55 AM Posted In Family , Happenings , Holidays Edit This 0 Comments »It was a simple and workable process.
Now our boxes are at the end of our street, a whole group of them, with little locks on them. Underneath the individual mailboxes are some larger boxes. When you get a package in the mail, and it is too big for your box but small enough for the larger ones, the mailperson (ours is a woman, I think) leaves a key in your box to open the larger box to get your package. This is what happened yesterday. I opened the bigger box and I discovered a box from Tim's parents. I had my suspicions as to the content of the box so I went home and quickly put the box in the refrigerator, assuming it to be something perishable. When Brandon got home from school, he wanted to know why a cardboard box was in our refrigerator. I said it was a package from Grandma and Grandpa Cox whereupon he immediately got a grin on his face and knew there was Oberle Dog sausage in the box! We opened it to confirm and when Cameron got home and discovered the sausage, he said, "Now that's what I'm talking about!!!" as his eyes lit up!
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