6:33 AM Posted In Happenings Edit This 1 Comment »
I used to have a slide show of Chris' mission pictures at the bottom of this blog. One day, over the weekend, it just disappeared. I thought I had the website where I got the slideshow saved in my favorites but it is not there. I cannot remember the name and have looked all over the files in my computer to try to find it in the history and/or in my saved back-up of my blog. (Do you have a back-up to your blog?) Anyway, it could not be recreated. I know this because Tim couldn't do it and since he is the resident expert in this household, it cannot be done. So now I have to find a new slide show or do something completely different.
This is not a new concept for me. Things are always disappearing. When I go to grab a chapstick out of my bathroom drawer, gone! When I reach in the refrigerator for that last can of diet A&W rootbeer, gone! When I look in my bank account for some money, ALWAYS GONE!!!
Yes, things just disappear and sometimes they are never to be found. Youth, friendships, waistline, and for some, a hairline.
But, as the old saying goes, when one door closes, another opens. And while some things disappear, other things come to the surface and take their place. New friendships are formed and new challenges greet our day. New experiences lend some excitement and new ideas come into our heads.
I think maybe when things disappear, we are forced, then, to improvise and learn something new. The old way no longer exists and so we move forward, stretching ourselves a bit more to try something new out for size and we just might find out we like the new, improved better!
This is not a new concept for me. Things are always disappearing. When I go to grab a chapstick out of my bathroom drawer, gone! When I reach in the refrigerator for that last can of diet A&W rootbeer, gone! When I look in my bank account for some money, ALWAYS GONE!!!
Yes, things just disappear and sometimes they are never to be found. Youth, friendships, waistline, and for some, a hairline.
But, as the old saying goes, when one door closes, another opens. And while some things disappear, other things come to the surface and take their place. New friendships are formed and new challenges greet our day. New experiences lend some excitement and new ideas come into our heads.
I think maybe when things disappear, we are forced, then, to improvise and learn something new. The old way no longer exists and so we move forward, stretching ourselves a bit more to try something new out for size and we just might find out we like the new, improved better!
Don't you know that there are gremlins in every house that carry things away and we never see them again....until we've purchased something to replace what we lost! :)
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